Didactic DVD & Video

David Leiva. Treatise of Sing accompaniment. Seguiriya. Vol.1

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David Leiva. Treatise of Sing accompaniment. Seguiriya. Vol.1 Ref.: 50489DVD-TSEGUIRIYA1
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As continuation of this serie started by "La Soleá" we present now the ""Seguiriya".
All the secrets of the accompaniment "toque" of the big masters of the Flamenco guitar,m with the voices (clear, without guitar) of the Sing's Masters.
Addressed to the beginner and professional guitarists, they will have the possibility to analyse and playing the fasletas, remates, accompaniment resources, different strums or chords depending on the guitarist, and on period.
A real luxury for the guitarists and singers! Thanks to a complete work of postproduction on old records, we could get a clear sound, with no guitar, in the way that the guitarists could practice the different styles of accompaniment with the big masters of the sing, and the singers could listen to the voices, and they also could practice the sing wuth different accompaniment's styles of the big masters of the flamenco guitar.
The masters included in this treaty are:
Singers:  Pepe de la Matrona, Juan Talega, Agujetas, Antonio Mairena Rafael Romero, Aurelio Sellés, Camarón, Fosforito, Enrique Morente
Guitarists: Al estilo de Niño Ricardo , Melchor de Marchena , Diego del Gastor, Sabicas , Manolo Sanlúcar , Paco de Lucía, Enrique de Melchor , Moraíto Chico, Tomatito, David Leiva.
Contents of the DVD:
Seguiriya de El Marruro (Enrique Morente's voice , Paco de Lucía's guitar style)
Seguiriya del Loco Mateo (Juan Talega's voice, Manolo Sanlúcar's guitar style)
Seguiriya de Manuel Torre (Antonio Mairena's voice ,  Moraíto guitar style)
Seguiriya de Camarón (Camarón's voice, David Leiva's guitar style)
Seguiriya de Piriñaca (Piriñaca's voice , Diego Gastor's guitar style)
Seguiriya de Silverio (Pepe de la Matrona's voice ,Sabicas's guitar style)

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