08-18-2008  |  0 commentaires

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Bulls land
We will see all the elements that round up the life of the fighting bull. From its birth to the prime of its life. The livestock farmer at the country estate, its ecology and features.
The country people who breed the bull and live day to day with it.The system selection. The breeds, their genetic features and the behaviour, habits and reactions.
In short a summary of the different chapters we will be seeing

Fierce Land
The land; a visual travel around all the premises of a fighting bulls land visiting the country estate, the stables, the place where to test the bulls, the jetty, the ponds and drinking trough, fodder, etc...
The man: In the second, we will follow the journey with all those who have something to do with the breed of the bull as well as how are the livestock farmers,farm managers and cowherd.
Extra: Origin of fighting bull.

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