Antonio Gades Compania - Carmen

18/11/2008  |  0 comentarios

Antonio Gades Company: Carmen

Saturday, February 14, 2009, 8pm
Sunday, February 15, 2009, 8pm

Based on Carlos Saura's Oscar-winning film and performed by one of Europe's premier dance troupes, Carmen is the masterpiece which catapulted choreographer Antonio Gades and his company to international fame.

Carmen stars over 30 dancers and musicians, including the earthy and sensuous Stella Arauzo, who appeared in many of Gades' productions, and the formidable Adrian Galia, who has worked with the National Ballet of Spain and Enrique Morente. The score includes some of the most captivating melodies from Bizet's opera, plus music from the popular zarzuela El Gato Montes.

"Drama of the highest order... heart-stopping." - the Times (UK)

Artículo publicado en Artistas y Espectáculos

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