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Adela Fernández Jiménez, "Adela La Chaqueta"

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Adela Fernández Jiménez, also well know as the flamenco singer "Adela La Chaqueta", but she liked to be called "La Gitana" (the gipsy). Born in Cadiz in 1918 and died in Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz) in 1995.
Descendant of a huge flamenco family of "chalecos" and "pantalones", daughter of "El Mono", sister (because of her father) of Tomás "El Chaqueta", José "El Chaleco", Antonio "El Chaqueta", Imperio de Granada and Salvador "El Pantalon", cousin of Juan Doblones and Canono, aunt of "El Chaqueton" and "El Flecha". Also related to the "Tio Juan" from Jerez, father of Nano de Jerez.
On October 12. in 1933, with 15 years old, she arrived in Madrid, meking her debut in "Las Calles de Cadiz" show, presented by La Argentinita.
Almost during all her career she performed in different tablaos accompanied by famous artists as Manolo Caracol, Pepe Marchena, Manuel Vallejo, Tomás and Pastora Pavón.
She lived many years in Madrid, working in "Los Canasteros", "La Venta del Gato" and "La Zambra".
She had a voice with a young and nice tone, she was an expert in the festive singings and the singings called "ida y vuleta".
There are not many recordings but she is one of the fundamental singers of her time.
In 1986 and 1987, she starded showing "El Sur y la Petenera" leaded by Manuel Vargas.
In 1986 she also performed in New York together with Fernanda de Utrera, El Chocolate, Juan Habichuela and El Farruco, in the show "Flamenco Puro".
Before her death in 1995, she performed in Cadiz, during the Alegrias competition.

Agustina Lopez Pavon, "Tina Pavon"

Agustina Lopez Pavon, also known as "Tina Pavon", born in 1948, on June 30. in San Fernando, Cadiz.
From San Fernando she took the roots of the singing, inherited by her maternal family. For familiar reasons all the family moved to Jerez de la Frontera in Cadiz.
At twenty years old she moved to Huelva, where she begins to sing in "peñas" (groups) and participates in competitions.
In 1982 she wins the first awars of Mairena del Alcor, and in 1983 she obtains the National Awars in the "Cantes de Cadiz". Now she runs the "Aula de cante" for the "Peña Flamenca de Huelva.


Ecos de la Alameda
Mi cante como bandera
Sueños del Rocío
Sal y duende
Rosa de cera

Alfonso Salmerón Salmerón, "Alfonso Salmeron"

Alfonso Salmerón Salmerón. Also known artistically as "Alfonso Salieron", born in Almeria in 1944, October 23.

At seven years old he won his first competition at the "Radio Juventud", his parents were singing amateurs. At 14 he moved to Barcelona with José Sorroche and Domingo Garbín, and he lived there for 2 years.
The he came back to Almeria and he launched a snack bar with his brother Manuel. The military service in Madrid was an important period, during his free time he worked for the "Arcos de Cuchilleros":
He learned perseverance and regularity. He is settled and got a contract in Las Brujas, Zambra, Cuevas de Nemesio, the Canasteros and the Café Chinitas. His marriage gave him stability.

In 1985 he won the first award of the "Concurso Nacional de Córdoba" with tarantos. After a performance in the area of Avila, he created a flamenco group, "peña", under his name. During this time he developped the "p'alante" singing.
Singing "p'atrás" he had professional experiences with some prestigious "bailaores" like María Rosa, Antonio Gadés, Matilde Coral, Mario Maya, el Güito, Sara Lezama, Carmen Mora, he also worked with Antonio for the National Ballet.

In 1985 and 1986 he joined the Carmen opera with José Carreras and Von Barajan. This experience marked his career and he familiarized with the classical music, he also acquired a responsible and depp commitment with his own art.

Nowadays he works for the Royal Conservatory of Madrid, giving singing classes and performing as "cantaor" for the Spanish dancing. This great "cantaor" excels in "compas" singings, like "alegrias", "bulerias" and "tangos" and also in the singing of his native land, basically in "taranto". He interprets this kind of singing with a sensitive feeling, trying to comunicate his affection fir his homeland to his audience. His last adventure: director of a big production, made up of 10 musicians in the "Teatro José Saramago" in Madrid, a box-office hit.

Alfredo Tejada Zurita, "Alfredo Tejada"

Alfredo Tejada Zurita, also known artistically as "Alfredo Tejada", born in Malaga, in 1979, on May 17. At 10 years old his family moved to Granada. His gipsy mother was a "cantaora" performing in "El Jaleo", after 4 years of musical studies the guitarist Luis Millan discovered him and he introduced him to the flamenco circles of Granada.
He won a few awards in different Andalusian competitions. He worked in the cave of Rocio del Sacro Monte in Granada. He also worked in live performences on the Miguel Ochando disc "Memorias", in Madrid with Adrian Gala.
Alfredo is a great hope.
In the Chumbera auditorium (Murcia) he left a good feeling and he proved with three mining "minero" songs (taranta, minera and cartagenera from Chacón)that he was brave. After that, he interpreted an original "farruca" with new tones, very melodic, close to a ballad.

Ángel de Luiggi Miranda, "Angel de Alora"

Angel de Luiggi Miranda, non-gypsy singer also known as "Angel de Alora", born in 1917, November 18. in Malaga and died in the same city when he was 75 years old, in 1992, March 26.
He has a few works when he was a child, messenger for printing works, office boy , but primptly he started like "cantaor" during the flamenco opera period. He took part in tours withimportant singers like El Pena, Carbonerillo, Pepe Pinto, La Niña de los Peines and others.
With eighteen years he went on tour with Corruco de Algeciras, then he stayed a long time in Madrid, working for the "tablao" La Zambra with Rosa Duran, Pericon de Cadiz, Rafael Romero, Juan Varea and Pepe el Culata. Angel de Alora always excelled at singing by malagueñas abd also tangos del Piyayo.

Ángel San Pedro Montero, "Angelillo"

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Angel San Pedro Montero. Also known as "Angelillo". Born in Madrid in the neighborhood of Vallecas in 1908, January 12. He died in Buenos Aires, at the Vicente Lopez Hospital because of a digestive hemorrage, getting complicated with a power cut in the operating room, in 1973, November 25.
From Galician parents. When he was young he wanted to be a bullfighter, but he worked as a jeweller's apprentice.
He received his first award at 16 years old in a competition of Puente de Vallecas. Great cantaor, he had a special voice and an incredible power, but above all he had a terrific resistance, the ability to extend a Fandanguillo, a golden voice. The daughter of Juan Simon will be almost an hymn for him.
In 1924, he took part in the Copa Pavon competition, in the theater Pavon in Madrid.
From this time he will perform in Madrid, 1926 in Ciros's - a cabaret with Pepe Marchena, Theater Barbieri. Cine Arguelles, Theater Pavon. Monumental Cinema and Cinema Bilbao, in 1927, Theater Novedades and Monumental Cinema, in 1928 Theater Pavon with the Obra la Copla Andaluza. Then he went on a trip to America during three months.
In 1934 he went around Spain, alternating with a lot of recordings and with the filming of some movies. He became a famous artist.
In 1936 he exiled in Oran and travelled to Argentina with Sabicas where he stayed until 1954.
His departure is due to the political situation in Spain. He did not want to serve the Francoist regime.
Angelillo, like other flamenco performers was a Republican. He had a relation with the movie production company "Filmófono".
He will live 20 years in Argentina, working as an artist and a business man in the automobile sector.
In 1954 he came back to Spain thanks to the friendship of Juan Valderrama. He presents the movie "Suspiros de Triana". In 1956 he performed in the shoes "Romance de uan Clavel" with Marisol Reyes. In 1957 he went back to Buenos Aires.
He is coming back in Spain in 1959 with the show "Cuando Vuelan Mis Canciones" all around Spain with the great Juanito Valderrama. In 1968 he's back in America. His last performances were with Rafael Farina, Juan de la Vara, Los Gaditanos and Amina. In 1972 he's back in Buenos Aires and he will not come back to Spain. He'll die a year after because of a stomach ulcer.

Antonio Chacon García, "Antonio Chacon"

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Antonio Chacon García, his artistic name is "Antonio Chacon", born in Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz) in 1869 May 16. and died in Madrid in 1929 January 21. Baptized in the parish church of San Miguel in Jerez.
Nobody could imitate him, he excelled in the "malagueños-levantinos" songs and was the first non-gypsy "cantaor" to make the flamenco singing school familiar. Son of unknown parents, his adoptive parents were Antonio Chacón Rodríguez, shoemaker, and Maria Garcia Sanchez. They adopted him and gave him their names. From his youth he helped his father in his work of shoemaker.
In 1886, with 17 years old, on July 26. he dared to sing during the party celebrated for the bullfighter Manuel Hermosilla in Jerez, in the shop "La Rondeña". There were Enrique "El Mellizo" and Joaquín Serna. All of them admired him and "El Mellizo" asked him to perform in the "Velada de los Angeles" in Cadiz.
The same year he is hired by Silverio Franconetti to perform in Sevilla, then he will perform alla round Andalusia with the great artists.
At 20 he got rid of the military duty and Silverio, his master, died. After that terrible moment he'll be four years without singing.
In 1894 he made his come back in the "Café del Burrero", in 1912 he moved to Madrid to perform in the "Gabrieles" and "Café de Fornos".
With 45 years old he went to America with the theater company "Maria Guerrero" performing in the Theater San Martin, in Buenos Aires.
In 1925, he opened the flamenco patio in the hotel "Alfonso XIII" in Sevilla, and as usual he performed in the Palacio de las Dueñas (owned by the Duques de Alba). He got sick and died in 1929 January 21. at home in Madrid. He's buried in the Almudena cemetery.

His favourite lyrics were:

"En la tumba de mi madre
a dar gritos me ponia
y escuche un eco del viento
- No la llames me decia,
que no responden los muertos."

Antonio González Garzón, "Antonio El Arenero"

Antonio González Garzón, also well known as "Antonio El Arenero", also known during his youth as "El Rubio Arenero". Born in Sevilla, in the neighbourhood of Triana, Chapina square, in 1925 April 13. and dies in Sevilla in 2004 July 2. Burried in the San Fernando cemetery.
"El Arenero" also excelled for his Solea songs, for his Siguiriya songs and Martinetes songs. They gave him the name of "Arenero"  when he was working as carrying sand from the Guadalquivir river in Winter, and in Summer he was working as carpenter on boats. His father was Antonio Gonzalez "El Rubio".
Considerated as the signatory of the Solea from Triana. We really discovered him in 1976 during a tribute to "El Gordillo" in Triana. After this year he performed in various festivals and songs in Peñas Flamencas, with "Al Teta" and "The Zapatero" he recorded a disc with  songs from Zurraque.

Antonio Lopez Olmo, "Yeye de Cadiz"

Antonio Lopez Olmo, also known as "Yeye de Cadiz", born in the neighborhood of Santa Maria in the city of Cadiz, in 1948. The name of "Yeye de Cadiz" was given because he belonged to the carnival group "Los Beatles de Cadiz".
He worked with Joaquin Cortes, Maria Rosa, Antonio or Manuela Vargas all around the world. He lived a lot of years in Japan where he owned a tablao until he came back to Madrid to work for the tablao "Torres Bermejas" with Camaron de la Isla, El Güito or Lebrijano.
His first participation in a competition was in 2004 and he won, it was during the "Concurso Nacional de Arte Flamenco" in Cordoba.

Antonio Mejias Portero, "Antonio Mejias"

Antonio Mejias Portero, also known as "Antonio Mejias", born in Montilla (Cordoba) in 1979 April 17. From a humble family. From school time he excelled with his flamenco solo, and slowly he excelled in his environment. He made his first steps in the neighborhood of "Escuechuela" of Cerrillo, in San José. In 2000 he moved to Priego de COrdoba to work with the ONCE, he suffered from a visual handicap.
In 2006 he recorded his first disc "Amores Ocultos". He shared a show with great artists like. Fosforito, Chano Lobato, Chocolate, Luís de Córdoba, El Pele, El Cabrero, El Lebrijano, Mariana Cornejo, Calixto Sánchez, Aurora Vargas, Pansequito, Arcángel, Julián Estrada, Rancapinos, Tina Pavón, Carmen Linares, Carmen de la Jara, José Meneses, El Polaco, Diego Clavel.


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