Blue Small Pillow with Spain’s flag

Blue Small Pillow with Spain’s flag

Ref: 50014C2021
19'00Plazo de salida


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Small pillow to bring to a bullfight or to some sporting event, to sit down comfortably. It’s made in dark blue tarpaulin and decorating with a Spain’s flag border (4.5cm). This small pillow is made in Spain. It’s very useful because it has a leather handle and a zip.
Dimensions: 36cm X 26cm X 5cm
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Small pillow to bring to a bullfight or to some sporting event, to sit down comfortably. It’s made in dark blue tarpaulin and decorating with a Spain’s flag border (4.5cm). This small pillow is made in Spain. It’s very useful because it has a leather handle and a zip.
Dimensions: 36cm X 26cm X 5cm
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