Mosaic Flamenco Bailaores Couple. 25cm
Couple of Flamenco Bailaores in a Red Dress with White Polka Dots. 25cm
Couple of Flamenco Bailaores in a Red Dress with White Polka Dots. 12.5cm
Flamenco Dancer Playing the Castanets in a Red with White Polka Dots Dress 28cm
Flamenco Dancer Playing the Castanets in a Red with White Polka Dots Dress 20.5cm
Flamenco Bailaora Playing the Castanets in Black with Red Polka Dots Outfit.&hell
Bailaora Playing the Castanets in a Black Flamenco Outfit with Red Polka Dots. 20cm
Multicolored Carnival Mosaic Bull Skull. 70cm
Turquoise Carnival Mosaic Bull Skull. 70cm
Red Mosaic Bull by Barcino. 24cm
Multicoloured Mosaic Bull Barcino. 60cm
Trencadis Carnival Collection Bull. Gaudí. 60cm