Flamenco Shoes

Gallardo. Men´s Flamenco Dance Shoes. Carácter Clásico Z-033

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Gallardo. Men´s Flamenco Dance Shoes. Carácter Clásico Z-033 Ref.: 50495Z033
  • Price: 144.63  €  (Without taxes)

  • Shipment within 40 business days

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Flamenco dance shoes for man, totally traditional and handmade by the prestigious Gallardo. Classical dance shoes with laces, black leather and wooden heel, inside reinforcement to support many hours of repetitions and shows, filis in black rubber and nails on the tiptoe and the heel to get an amazing sound.

Heel height: 3.5 cm

Professional - A Series
Handmade shoes from Gallardo. Leather is attached with nails, the sole is glued and sewn on the outside.
Professional - P Series
Handmade shoes from Gallardo. Leather is attached with nails. The shoe is removed from the shoetree to sew the sole on the inside. 
Once sewn, the shoe is re-inserted on the shoetree in order to add an extra thick anti-slippering sole that provides great sound quality and durability.

Product details:

  • ColorsColors
  • HeelsHeels
  • Negro PielNegro Piel
  • Negro CharolNegro Charol
  • Rojo AnteRojo Ante
  • Negro AnteNegro Ante
  • Piel 525Piel 525
  • Piel Negro Tacón CubanoPiel Negro Tacón Cubano
  • Ante NegroAnte Negro
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1 Commentary

Ethan Deutsch


Estos zapatos son hermosos y perfectos y me gustan muchisimo.

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FlamencoExport Suggest:

  • Flamenco shoes can be of  suede or leather. It is important for the shoe to be firm in the extreme superior part (where the toes) and also in the heel, for the heel use and the bottom of the shoe for the learning of the foot-stamping. Bearing all those characteristics in mind, the student can choose between professional or beginners models: the color, the fabric and the style you desire.  

Comentario FlamencoExport

  • El uso de los zapatos para el baile flamenco, es muy personal, pero el zapato debe tener un cuero duro, el baile debe notar los sentimientos de los pies del bailaor.

FlamencoExport Comment

  • Artisan hand-crafted Flamenco Shoes,made in Spain using the finest leathers & suede. We assure the comfort, beauty, durability and outstanding sound quality of our shoes.