Apron I love Sangria

Apron I love Sangria

Ref: 508569066
7'87Plazo de salida


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This apron is for the most international people, the apron is written in English.
We have the recipe of the sangria in English, although with a very Spanish touch like the Spanish flag is.
If you taste the sangria, you couldn’t stop loving it.
It is a very refreshing drink.
For a Spanish party, drink all the time sangria.

Measurements: 75cm X 60cm.
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This apron is for the most international people, the apron is written in English.
We have the recipe of the sangria in English, although with a very Spanish touch like the Spanish flag is.
If you taste the sangria, you couldn’t stop loving it.
It is a very refreshing drink.
For a Spanish party, drink all the time sangria.

Measurements: 75cm X 60cm.
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