Botella Decoración Sin Liquido Tio Pepe

Botella Decoración Sin Liquido Tio Pepe

Ref: 50024000384
11'50Plazo de salida


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This Sherry wine bottle and its bolero, Cordovan hat and Spanish guitar are an emblem all over the world, an international icon. Tio Pepe is the ambassador of Sherry wine and one of the most iconic symbols of Spain abroad.

Dimensions of the bottle: 13 cm.

Dimension of the box: 15 X 11 cm.

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This Sherry wine bottle and its bolero, Cordovan hat and Spanish guitar are an emblem all over the world, an international icon. Tio Pepe is the ambassador of Sherry wine and one of the most iconic symbols of Spain abroad.

Dimensions of the bottle: 13 cm.

Dimension of the box: 15 X 11 cm.

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