Flowers, Cordovan Hat and Flamenco Guitar Bottle Opener with Magnet

Flowers, Cordovan Hat and Flamenco Guitar Bottle Opener with Magnet

Ref: 5057941429
4'84Plazo de salida


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Original bottle opener with magnet to stick it on your fridge's door. It is a very useful item to open bottles also. Finally you will enjoy a useful magnet to decorate your fridge, and which has a very typical Spanish design: flowers, a Flamenco guitar and a Cordovan Hat.

Measures: 11cm X 6cm.

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Original bottle opener with magnet to stick it on your fridge's door. It is a very useful item to open bottles also. Finally you will enjoy a useful magnet to decorate your fridge, and which has a very typical Spanish design: flowers, a Flamenco guitar and a Cordovan Hat.

Measures: 11cm X 6cm.

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