
Curious Objects - Gaudí

[ 119 items ]

Carnival Bailaora Playing Castanets with Milticolor Flamenco Outfit. 40cm

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Carnival Bailaora Playing Castanets with Milticolor Flamenco Outfit. 40cm Ref.: 5057945322
  • Price: 140.50  €  (Without taxes)

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Thanks to its size this spectacular figurine is perfect to decorate any place. The collection of Carnival, bailaora playing the castanets with mossaic outfit is impressive for its design and for its size. The technique that Barcino uses is similar to the one that Gaudi used to make the Trencadis. The mosaic is an incredible.

Measure: 40cm.

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Evelyn Ayala


The carnival doll was beautiful. I love it and even ,more in person . It looks spectacular in my living room

Evelyn Ayala


Just spectacular, love it.

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