Bullfighter's Banderillas for Children

Bullfighter's Banderillas for Children

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If your child wants to dress up as a bullfighter, do not forget this pair of banderillas. They are a toy with a soft harpoon (EVA foam). He will have a lot of fun pretending to put a pair of banderillas on the bull. They are handmade in Spain. They can also be used for decoration.
Measurements: 35cm X 5cm
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If your child wants to dress up as a bullfighter, do not forget this pair of banderillas. They are a toy with a soft harpoon (EVA foam). He will have a lot of fun pretending to put a pair of banderillas on the bull. They are handmade in Spain. They can also be used for decoration.
Measurements: 35cm X 5cm
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