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Cante de la minas. Notas a pie de festival (La Unión 2004-2007)de Francisco Hidalgo Gómez

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Cante de la minas. Notas a pie de festival (La Unión 2004-2007)de Francisco Hidalgo Gómez Ref.: 50071357855
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"Cante de la minas. Notas a pie de festival (La Unión 2004-2007)" by Francisco Hidalgo Gómez.

Francisco Hidalgo summarize the history of the Festival "La Unión" and tells anecdotes about the last years. All the great figures of flamenco offered performances in this festival.

Paco Hidalgo is an expert of the flamenco current affairs. He offers personal moments of the Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas out of his memories. He also leads us to the heart of the flamenco intra-history; it is very rare to find some documents about this subject in the flamenco litterature, even if this topic deserves a writing processing. Flamenco is not only data collection and conscientious analysis but also a human art: experienced facts throughout the ages.

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