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La comedia Flamenca by Eugenio Cobo

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La comedia Flamenca by Eugenio Cobo Ref.: 5007188944610
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La comedia flamenca extracts all the literary and vital influences that appear in the comedies written in spanish in the second half of the XIX century and the first half of the XXth. The book is full of quotes which express the whole Andalusian wittiness and the customs in general of Spain during the romantic epoch.

The book consists on four chapters: 1 Origins of the Andalusian gipsy theatre (1842-1874) and in it alludes to the work of six comediógrafos. 2 The restoration (1875-1900). This epoch, with 14 authors is the most prolific and in it flamenco impregnates most of the written comedies. 3 End of Century and Belle Époque. Perhaps the epoch in which the comediógrafos reach the zenith of the quality with authors such as Pedro Muñoz Seca, Carlos Arniches etc… 4 The Andalusian gipsy Opera (1922-36).Thanks to La comedia flamenca of Eugenio Cobo this world of flamenco that was dozing fragmented among forgotten shelves, recovers force and what till now were vague suppositions appears suddenly with names, dates, anecdotes and this halo of life that leak the recovered fragments. A part of our history returns to flutter again between these pages.

176 págs.


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