Exercises, Studies, Methods

Sabicas. Concert theme. Style studies. vol 1

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Sabicas. Concert theme. Style studies. vol 1 Ref.: 50489ML3360
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Concert themes.
Sabicas´ life and work show that it isn´t necessary to be andalusian to play flamenco.Sabicas, exceptional guitarist and composer in the flamenco history, was born in Navarre and lived in America duringmany years. This exil probably explains the fact that Sabica was the first flamenco guitarist who plays mainly solos.His huge discography exceeds Paco de Lucia and Manolo Sanlucar´s discography.To understand the composer variety and art, we think it is necessary to  gather 2 volumes in our collection.The first volume (´´temas de concierto´´) focuses on a way to play flamenco inspired of the Iberian folklore.The second volume (´´temas flamenco´´) focuses on the fundamental palos such as las Alegrias, las Bulerias, los Fandangos, las Siguiryas, las Soleares... 

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