Andalusian costumes

Beige Pinstripe Lycra Campero Suit

Catalogue version to print
Beige Pinstripe Lycra Campero Suit Ref.: 50221PG24
How to measure your size: Jackets
How to measure your size: Calzona Trousers
  • Price: 300.00  €  (Without taxes)

  • Shipment within 30 business days

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Beige Pinstripe Lycra Campero Suit includes:

- Beige Pinstripe Campera Jacket 
- Plain Beige Calzona Trousers  (Without Charms)

We have a large catalogue of Campero suits. A short suit is the typical Spanish Campero suit that men used to wear in the past to work the land. These suits are worn during bullfighting festivals, "tentaderos", by riding amateurs. Traditionally, this suit was worn on charity festivals and bullfights. These corridas do not profit to bullfighters since all the money goes to charities. Nowadays, this suit is worn in countless Spanish fairs (most of all in Andalusia) and bullfighting festivals.



Jacket for man.

T – 44

Chest:88 cm.

Waist:72 cm.

T – 46

Chest:92 cm.

Waist:76 cm.

T – 48

Chest:96 cm.

Waist:80 cm.

T – 50

Chest:100 cm.

Waist:84 cm.

T – 52

Chest: 104 cm.

Waist: 88 cm.

T – 54

Chest: 108 cm.

Waist: 92 cm.

T – 56

Chest: 112 cm.

Waist: 96 cm.

T – 58

Chest: 116 cm.

Waist: 100 cm.

T – 60

Chest: 120 cm.

Waist: 104 cm.

Calzona Trousers.

T – 36

Waist: 72 cm.

Length: 100 cm.

T – 38

Waist: 76 cm.

Length: 103 cm.

T – 40

Waist: 80 cm.

Length: 103,5 cm.

T – 42

Waist: 84 cm.

Length: 104 cm.

T – 44

Waist: 88 cm.

Length: 105 cm.

T – 46

Waist: 92 cm.

Length: 105,5 cm.

T – 48

Waist: 96 cm.

Length: 106 cm

T – 50

Waist: 100 cm.

Length: 107 cm

T – 52

Waist: 104 cm.

Length: 107,5 cm

T – 54

Waist: 108 cm.

Length: 108 cm

T – 56

Waist: 112 cm.

Length: 108 cm

T – 58

Waist: 116 cm.

Length: 108 cm


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FlamencoExport suggestion

  • These Andalusian costumes are synonomous of quality and elegance and are famous throughout Spain the world. These costumes show their beauty through fashion. A fashion that as you can see, offer us a wide range of options from classic styles to innovative styles with daring colours and original designs to suit all tastes.

FlamencoExport comments

  • The description of women costume(if they ride alone, with a skirt instead of trousers) is a flared skirt with a white blouse, flat, with frills... and a short jacket. Decorated or covered hair with "pañuelos" (headscarf), tipical hats from Cordoba or hats with flowers, depending of the costume you wear. Concerning shoes, they are the same as for mens. The cowboy costume shows the labour of the countryside. The large brim hat, the white shirt, the "guayabera" or jacket (closed only with the last button), white turn-up trousers, "pañuelo" tied to the waist.